Certified Analytics Professional

The Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) certification is a trusted, independent verification of the critical technical expertise and related soft skills possessed by accomplished analytics and data science professionals, and valued by analytics-oriented organizations.

As a vendor- and technology-neutral certification, CAP is a testament to an analytics professional’s superior competency in the seven domains of analytics, providing a valuable platform for organizations to better identify, recruit, and retain top analytics talent, as well as for professionals to distinguish themselves in today’s highly competitive analytics workforce.

Why Become Certified?

Are you thinking about earning an analytics or data science certification but wondering if it’s worth it? While not all certifications are created equal, those seeking to showcase their professional competency or convey a sense of credibility and prestige should not underestimate the importance of getting certified.

Program Details

ATDP provides complete inhouse facilities to cover complete body of knowledge as per "Informs" standards to meet requirements of CAP (Certified Analytics Professional)

All tenured professionals and business owners looking for leading role in company's growth and sustainability and managing big data to get best output results through analysis.

  • The CAP exam questions cover all seven domains of the analytics process, with the distribution of questions as follows:
  • Business Problem Framing - 14% of exam questions
  • Analytics Problem Framing - 17% of exam questions
  • Data - 23% of exam questions
  • Methodology Selection - 14% of exam questions
  • Model Building - 16% of exam questions
  • Deployment - 10% of exam questions
  • Lifecycle Management - 6% of exam questions
  • Cross discussion and brain storming sessions.