Certified Reliability Leader

The Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) has created an exam and certification based on a body of knowledge that focuses on reliability designed to result in economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. The CRL is designed to provide assessment and certify individuals who demonstrate an awareness of the integrated and interrelated reliability system, Uptime Elements.

The Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) has created an exam and certification based on a body of knowledge that focuses on reliability designed to result in economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.

Candidates will study and be tested on reliability engineering for maintenance, asset condition management, work execution management, reliability leadership, and asset management.

Program Details

All activities must be relevant to the Body of Knowledge (BoK), developed by Reliabilityweb.com and used by the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) including the following knowledge domains:

Earners of the Certified Reliability Leader® certification have demonstrated competencies in the five knowledge domains of REM, ACM, WEM, LER, and AM. Each domain applies to Reliability Leadership using the Uptime® Elements Reliability Framework and Asset Management System and the Certified Reliability Leader® Body of Knowledge. Participate in a minimum of thirty (30) contact hours (equivalent of 3 CEUs) of relevant skill development and/or training within the three (3) year certification period.

  • Approved Relevant Skill Development:
  • a. Reliability Engineering for Maintenance
  • b. Asset Condition Management
  • c. Work Execution Management
  • d. Leadership for Reliability
  • e. Asset Management
  • 1. The thirty (30) contact hours (3 CEUs) of relevant skill development can be achieved by participating in any combination of items from the list of approved activities listed below.
  • a. Complete Uptime Elements educational workshops, study classes, trainings, short courses, webinars and seminars (in-person or online)
  • b. Attend approved conferences/events: The International Maintenance Conference (IMC), The RELIABILITY Conference (TRC), The Reliability Institute workshops/study classes (RLI), Solutions 2.0 virtual conference, MARCON, Reliable Plant, IAM events, SMRP events, MaRS events) Contact AMP to verify approval on any conferences/events not listed here.
  • c. Give pre-approved presentation related to an Uptime Elements knowledge domain at a conference, seminar, workshop, company based event, etc. 30 hours allowed if AMP approved
  • d. Publish pre-approved articles or papers related to an Uptime Elements knowledge domain in publications. 30 hours allowed if AMP approved
  • e. Author a pre-approved book or significant chapter of a book related to an Uptime Elements knowledge domain. 30 hours allowed if AMP Approved
  • f. Provide instruction for a pre-approved course/workshop related to an Uptime Elements knowledge domain. Multiply actual hours for development and delivery by 4
  • g. Participate in the development of questions for the Certified Reliability Leader exam. 8 hours per question submitted
  • h. Other activity or learning experience not listed here subject to AMP approval.
  • i. Participate in the REVIEW of questions for the Certified Reliability Leader exam. Actual hours of review session (usually 3 hours to 6 hours)
  • Brain storming sessions